Back to School Genre “Freebie”

Combining Rachel Lynette’s Which Genre? task cards with my Show Your Thinking™ activity pages was an excellent way to begin the year!  Thought you might like to give it a try!  Download the activity pages for the first two task cards here:   Genre Task Cards 1 & 2

Genre Task Cards 1-2 %22Back to School%22 Freebie Images.001

If you find these pages to be as beneficial for your students as I did, you can purchase the activity pages for  Which Genre? task cards 1-8 at Shea’s Classroom on TpT.  If you’d like to try activity pages for Rachel Lynette’s Author’s Purpose, Point of View, Theme and Genre task cards you can also purchase a sampler  at Shea’s Classroom.


Product Sampler

This sampler will give you the opportunity to preview the Show Your Thinking™ activities I’ve developed to help your students practice writing short constructed responses while using Rachel Lynette’s task cards.  I will be releasing the complete sets this summer. My students have really enjoyed using these activities as their ability to analyze text has continued to improve. I’ve also included my ACED interactive notebook foldable and rubric which I used to introduce my expectations for a well written response.Sampler Preview.001 Visit my TpT store, Shea’s Classroom to purchase this product.

Welcome Back!

As I sit at my kitchen table drinking coffee this morning, I’m beginning to think about returning to school on Monday.  I’ve been fortunate enough to have a very relaxing week off.  I haven’t thought about school at all.  As we begin the new year, I have to remember that my students will not be returning ready to hit the ground running. We’ll need to ease into things.  Hope you have a good first week!